Sunday, February 17, 2013

Free Newsea Sweet Scar Hair

Hey all! It's very late where I am and I just came back from a long wedding, so please excuse my exhaustion. Some of you feel like this is repetitive, but some people need to be a bit more considerate. Please do not ask for any requests right now, I need to regulate requests in order to get them out efficiently. Thank you to all the people who left a kind message of gratitude in a comment or an email, and one way to show gratefulness is to be patient and read all notices, especially those in red. I hope this is the last time I have to address the request issue :)

This hair is inspired by Paris Hilton, and is available for females only, child to adult.

All downloads on our site is in sims3pack


  1. this is very pretty nabbed it so thanks for sharing regards kazz

  2. What about toddlers?

    1. I believe that there is no file for toddlers in the download. :)

  3. I downloaded this, Thanks!! I had a toddler file in mine, I put it on one of mine and she looked so cute!!

    1. It didn't have the flower thing on the headband though, only a thin headband. It's cute though!

    2. Thanks for letting me know there's a file for toddlers in the download. Glad you enjoy it:)

  4. do I need Media Fire to down load, Each time I click the down load it goes to ads. I really don't want to purchase Media Fire, I have no need for it.

    1. No, you do not need a mediafire account at all to download files here. I can't control the advertising that surrounds the download page, but you should be able to download from mediafire even with the ads there. I highly recommend Adblock, an extension that blocks out all ads on webpages.

      Please don't purchase MediaFire pro, it is not necessary at all if you are just downloading items!

  5. You guys are amazing, thanks for uploading!

  6. Could you please requested this one? NEWSEA J132 ICE FRUIT; J119 GOOD KID; J114 LONG LOVE LETTER; J100 THORN BIRD.. THANK YOU : HUGS <3

  7. thank you! i've been wanting newsea's hair for my sims in sims3pack format:)
    glad I found your website:)))

  8. You deserve more recognition! Thank you so much for all the downloads.


Feel free to comment. Request season is OPEN.


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