Monday, December 24, 2012

Free Newsea Moonriver Hair (Requested)

Another request. This hair is for females only and is from child to adult. You can download it here for free. Hope you enjoy it and thank you for the request.

Please note: We hate package files, so that's why everything thing we provide is in .sims3pack :)


  1. Link doesn't work anymore.

    1. I double checked and the link is still running and valid. I even turned off the servers and logged out of my mediafire account to test it from an anonymous person's view and it still downloaded the way it should. I may be wrong, but you may be experiencing an issue with your connectivity or device rather than the link malfunctioning itself. Perhaps restart your browser and try again?

      Does anybody else have the same issue with the link?

  2. The link works for me

  3. it also works for me~ :3


Feel free to comment. Request season is OPEN.


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